Art Nouveau: Aubrey Beardsley - The Master of the Line
It was a deliberate decision from Aubrey Vincent Beardsley to be the buffoon and harlequin of his age. He was aware that his demise will probably be due to consumption and so he hankered after immediate success. From childhood he was prodigy, in music, literature and draftsmanship. He wrote his first play in 1885, at the age of 13. This was around the same time that his cartoons were featured in his school newspaper. He became a master of linear Art Nouveau. His line simultaneously strongly suggested a concrete subject matter and reminded us that it was abstract. He created hard contours with his lines. These contours seemed splintered and widely free in their diverging curves. By the time he followed advice given to him by Sir Edward Burne-Jones and Pierre Purvis de Chavannes in 1891 to take up art as a profession, he was fully conscious of the significance of his line. Beardsley didn’t do any preliminary sketches. He made all his changes with pencil on the same sheet. These line...